
Renders the scene to a Render Target texture. A Camera will only render a SceneObject if the SceneObject's render layer is enabled on the Camera. For more information, see the Camera and Layers guide.

interface Camera {
    aspect: number;
    clearColor: vec4;
    colorRenderTargets: ColorRenderTarget[];
    depthBufferMode: DepthBufferMode;
    depthStencilRenderTarget: DepthStencilRenderTarget;
    devicePropertyUsage: DeviceProperty;
    enableClearColor: boolean;
    enableClearDepth: boolean;
    enabled: boolean;
    far: number;
    fov: number;
    inputTexture: Texture;
    maskTexture: Texture;
    near: number;
    rayTracing: boolean;
    renderLayer: LayerSet;
    renderOrder: number;
    renderTarget: Texture;
    renderTargetCubemapFace: CubemapFace;
    size: number;
    type: Type;
    uniqueIdentifier: string;
    destroy(): void;
    getOrthographicSize(): vec2;
    getSceneObject(): SceneObject;
    getTransform(): Transform;
    getTypeName(): string;
    isOfType(type): boolean;
    isSame(other): boolean;
    isSphereVisible(center, radius): boolean;
    project(worldSpacePoint): vec3;
    screenSpaceToWorldSpace(normalizedScreenSpacePoint, absoluteDepth): vec3;
    unproject(clipSpacePoint): vec3;
    worldSpaceToScreenSpace(worldSpacePoint): vec2;

Hierarchy (view full)


aspect: number


The aspect ratio of the camera (width/height).

clearColor: vec4


When enableClearColor is true and inputTexture is null, this color is used to clear this Camera's renderTarget before drawing to it.

colorRenderTargets: ColorRenderTarget[]


Returns an array of Color Render Targets. The first color render target is always available.

depthBufferMode: DepthBufferMode


Determines the way depth is handled on this Camera. Changing this can help sort objects at different distance ranges.

depthStencilRenderTarget: DepthStencilRenderTarget


Descriptor of depth/stencil textures and clear options.

devicePropertyUsage: DeviceProperty


Controls which Camera settings will be overridden by physical device properties. For example, this can be used to override the fov property to match the device camera's actual field of view.

enableClearColor: boolean


If enabled, this Camera will clear the color on its renderTarget before drawing to it. inputTexture will be used to clear it unless it is null, in which case clearColor is used instead.

enableClearDepth: boolean


If enabled, this Camera will clear the depth buffer on its renderTarget before drawing to it.

enabled: boolean


If disabled, the Component will stop enacting its behavior.

far: number


The distance of the far clipping plane.

fov: number


The Camera's field of view in radians.

inputTexture: Texture


When enableClearColor is true, this texture is used to clear this Camera's renderTarget before drawing. If this texture is null, clearColor will be used instead.

maskTexture: Texture


A texture controlling which parts of the output texture the camera will draw to. The "red" value of each pixel determines how strongly the camera will draw to that part of the image. For example, a completely black section will cause the camera to not draw there at all. A completely white (or red) section will cause the camera to draw normally. Colors in between, like gray, will be semitransparent.

near: number


The distance of the near clipping plane.

rayTracing: boolean


Toggles ray tracing for the camera. When true, ray tracing is enabled.

renderLayer: LayerSet


Controls the set of layers this Camera will render.

renderOrder: number


The sorting order the Camera renders in. Every frame, Cameras render in ascending order determined by their renderOrder properties.

renderTarget: Texture


The RenderTarget this Camera will draw to.

renderTargetCubemapFace: CubemapFace


Sets which face of the cubemap this camera will render to.

size: number


The orthographic size of the camera.

type: Type


Controls which type of rendering the camera uses.

uniqueIdentifier: string


  • Returns void


    Destroys the component.

  • Returns vec2


    For orthographic cameras, returns the camera size as (width, height).

  • Returns string


    Returns the name of this object's type.

  • Parameters

    • type: string

    Returns boolean


    Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean


    Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.

  • Parameters

    • center: vec3
    • radius: number

    Returns boolean


    Returns true if a sphere with the specified world space center position and radius is visible within the camera frustum, false otherwise.

  • Parameters

    • worldSpacePoint: vec3

    Returns vec3


    Converts a world space position to a raw screen space position. The screen space position will be returned as a vec3 with x,y representing normalized screen space, and z representing a raw depth value not directly convertible to world units. This returned value will mostly be useful for passing into unproject().

  • Parameters

    • normalizedScreenSpacePoint: vec2
    • absoluteDepth: number

    Returns vec3


    Converts a screen space position to a world space position, given an absolute depth. The screen space position should be provided as a vec2 in the range ([0-1], [0-1]), (0,0) being the top-left of the screen and (1,1) being the bottom-right. The returned world space position will be the point absoluteDepth units away from the Camera's near plane at the point specified in screen space.

  • Parameters

    • clipSpacePoint: vec3

    Returns vec3


    Converts a raw screen space position to a world space position. clipSpacePoint should be a vec3 returned from a previous project() call, since the z value represents a raw depth value not directly convertible to world units.

  • Parameters

    • worldSpacePoint: vec3

    Returns vec2


    Converts the world space position worldSpacePoint to a screen space position. Screen positions are represented in the range ([0-1], [0-1]), (0,0) being the top-left of the screen and (1,1) being the bottom-right.

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