
Controls animation playback for a single animation layer. See also: AnimationMixer.


// Double the speed of the first AnimationMixerLayer and play it once
//@input Component.AnimationMixer mixer

var layer = script.mixer.getLayers()[0];
layer.speedRatio = 2.0;
layer.start(0, 1);
interface AnimationMixerLayer {
    animationLayerName: string;
    blendMode: AnimationLayerBlendMode;
    cycles: number;
    disabled: boolean;
    fps: number;
    from: number;
    name: string;
    postInfinity: PostInfinity;
    rangeType: RangeType;
    reversed: boolean;
    scaleMode: AnimationLayerScaleMode;
    speedRatio: number;
    to: number;
    weight: number;
    clone(newName): AnimationMixerLayer;
    getDuration(): number;
    getTime(): number;
    getTypeName(): string;
    isOfType(type): boolean;
    isPlaying(): boolean;
    isSame(other): boolean;
    pause(): void;
    resume(): void;
    start(offset, cycles): void;
    startWithCallback(offset, cycles, eventCallback): void;
    stop(): void;

Hierarchy (view full)


animationLayerName: string


The name of the animation layer being used for this animation.

cycles: number


The number of times this animation will play. If -1, the animation will loop forever.

disabled: boolean


If true, the animation will stop having an effect.

fps: number


The framerate (frames per second) of the animation.

from: number


The starting point for this animation clip. If rangeType is set to Time, this is the point to start at in seconds. If rangeType is set to Frames, this is the frame number to start at.

name: string


The name of the AnimationMixerLayer.

postInfinity: PostInfinity


Defines the animation's looping behavior. If set to AnimationClip.PostInfinity.Cycle, the animation will restart from the beginning each time it loops. If set to AnimationClip.PostInfinity.Oscillate, the animation will switch between normal and reverse playback each time it loops. This is set to Cycle by default.

rangeType: RangeType


The range type used for defining the animation clip. If set to AnimationClip.RangeType.Time, to and from represent times in seconds. If set to AnimationClip.RangeType.Frames, to and from represent frame numbers.

reversed: boolean


If true, the animation will play play in reverse.

speedRatio: number


A multiplying value for the speed of this animation. For example, a value of 2.0 will double animation speed, while a value of 0.5 will cut the speed in half.

to: number


The ending point for this animation clip. If rangeType is set to Time, this is the point to end at in seconds. If rangeType is set to Frames, this is the frame number to end at.

weight: number


The weight of this animation layer. Range is from [0-1], 0 being no animation strength and 1 being full animation strength.


  • Returns number


    Returns the length of the animation in seconds.

  • Returns number


    Returns the current playback position of the animation in seconds.

  • Returns string


    Returns the name of this object's type.

  • Parameters

    • type: string

    Returns boolean


    Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.

  • Returns boolean


    Returns whether the animation is currently playing.

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean


    Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.

  • Returns void


    Pauses the animation.

  • Returns void


    Resumes the animation if it has been paused.

  • Parameters

    • offset: number
    • cycles: number

    Returns void


    Starts playing the animation with an offset of offsetArg seconds. The animation will play cycles times, or loop forever if cycles is -1.

  • Parameters

    • offset: number
    • cycles: number
    • eventCallback: ((name, animationMixer) => void)
        • (name, animationMixer): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    Returns void


    Starts the animation with an offset of offsetArg seconds. The animation will play cycles times, or loop forever if cycles is -1. eventCallback will be called after the animation finishes.

  • Returns void


    Stops the animation from playing and jumps to the animation's end.

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