• Calculate the sum of the inTensor elements and store result in the outTensor.

    Axis specifies axis along which a sum is performed., e.g:

    axis(0, 0, 0): the sum will be performed on the whole tensor

    axis(0, 0, 1): the sum will be performed along the z axis. outTensor will store inShape.z values

    axis(1, 1, 0): the sum will be performed along x and y axes. outTensor will store

    inShape.x * inShape.y values, where outTensor[y][x] is the sum of all inTensor[0..inShape.z-1][y][x] values


    • inTensor: Float32Array
    • inShape: vec3
    • axis: vec3
    • outTensor: Float32Array

    Returns void