• solvePnPRansac is very similar to solvePnPExtended except that it uses Random Sample Consensus ( RANSAC ) for robustly estimating the pose.

    iterationsCount - The number of times the minimum number of points are picked and the parameters estimated

    reprojectionError - As mentioned earlier in RANSAC the points for which the predictions are close enough are called inliers. This parameter value is the maximum allowed distance between the observed and computed point projections to consider it an inlier.

    confidence - Number of inliers. If the algorithm at some stage finds more inliers than confidence, it finishes. outInliers - Output array that contains indices of inliers in objectPoints and imagePoints . outRotTrans


    • inObjectPoints: Float32Array
    • inImagePoints: Float32Array
    • imagePointsShape: vec3
    • cameraIntrinsicsMatrix: mat3
    • distortionCoeff: Float32Array
    • distortionCoeffShape: vec3
    • useExtrinsicGuess: boolean
    • iterationsCount: number
    • reprojectionError: number
    • confidence: number
    • flags: number
    • outInliers: Uint8Array
    • outRotTrans: Float32Array

    Returns boolean