• Estimates the object pose given a set of object points (inObjectPoints), their corresponding image projections (inImagePoints), and the intrinsic camera matrix (cameraIntrinsicsMatrix). Similar to solvePnP but has additional camera distortion coefficient settings.

    distortionCoeff - Input vector of distortion coefficients. If the vector is null - the zero distortion coefficients are assumed.

    distortionCoeffShape - {numElements, 1, 1} where numElements can be 4, 5, 8 or 12.

    useExtrinsicGuess - The function uses the provided outRotTrans values as initial approximations of the rotation and translation vectors and further optimizes them.


    • inObjectPoints: Float32Array
    • inImagePoints: Float32Array
    • imagePointsShape: vec3
    • cameraIntrinsicsMatrix: mat3
    • distortionCoeff: Float32Array
    • distortionCoeffShape: vec3
    • useExtrinsicGuess: boolean
    • flags: number
    • outRotTrans: Float32Array

    Returns boolean