• Estimates the object pose given a set of object points (inObjectPoints), their corresponding image projections (inImagePoints), and the intrinsic camera matrix (transform).

    inObjectPoints - Float32Array of size (point count * 3). 3D points of the object

    inImagePoints - Float32Array of size (point count * 2). 2D points which are projections of the points in inObjectPoints, with some applied transformation we are attempting to find

    imagePointsShape - Should be {2, point count, 1}

    transform - Intrinsic camera matrix

    flags - Currently unused, can be left as 0. Further functionality may be added in the future.

    outRotTrans - Float32Array of size 6 where results are written. Describes object transformation:

    vec3(outRotTrans[0], outRotTrans[1], outRotTrans[2])* - object rotation in Rodrigues format

    vec3(outRotTrans[3], outRotTrans[4], outRotTrans[5])* - object position in 3D space


    • inObjectPoints: Float32Array
    • inImagePoints: Float32Array
    • imagePointsShape: vec3
    • transform: mat3
    • flags: number
    • outRotTrans: Float32Array

    Returns boolean