• Stabilizes image objects between two consecutive frames caused by camera or object movement. Results are written to the points array.

    prevGrayscale - Uint8Array of size (width * height). Grayscale data of previous frame

    grayscale - Uint8Array of size (width * height). Grayscale data of current frame

    textureShape - Should be {width, height, 1}

    prevPoints - Float32Array of size (point count * 2). Positions of 2D points on the previous frame

    points - Float32Array of size (point count * 2). Results are written here - positions of 2D points on the current frame

    pointsShape - Should be {2, point count, 1}

    winSize - Size of the search window for each pyramid level

    maxLevel - Maximal pyramid level number, with zero based index

    maxCount - Terminate if iteration count exceeds maxCount

    epsilon - Terminate if window movement is less than epsilon


    • prevGrayscale: Uint8Array
    • grayscale: Uint8Array
    • textureShape: vec3
    • prevPoints: Float32Array
    • points: Float32Array
    • pointsShape: vec3
    • winSize: vec2
    • maxLevel: number
    • maxCount: number
    • epsilon: number

    Returns void