• Finds minimum distances between each 2D point from one array, to 2D points in another array.

    from - Float32Array of size ("from" point count * 2). 2D points from which min distances should be found

    fromShape - Should be {2, "from" point count, 1}

    to - Float32Array of size ("to" point count * 2). 2D points to which min distances should be found

    toShape - Should be {2, "to" point count, 1}

    output - Float32Array of size ("from" point count). For each point in the from array, the minimum distance to points from the to array will be written to this array.


    • from: Float32Array
    • fromShape: vec3
    • to: Float32Array
    • toShape: vec3
    • output: Float32Array

    Returns void