Type of force to use when applying force or torque to a BodyComponent.

// @input Physics.BodyComponent bodyComponent

// Add instant impulse force upward
script.bodyComponent.addForce(new vec3(0, 500, 0), Physics.ForceMode.Impulse);

// Add instant impulse torque to rotate the object
script.bodyComponent.addTorque(new vec3(0, 0, Math.PI * -25), Physics.ForceMode.Impulse);

// Every frame, add upward force over time, relative to the object rotation
// This is similar to a rocket boosting the object upward
script.createEvent("UpdateEvent").bind(function() {
script.bodyComponent.addRelativeForce(new vec3(0, 2000, 0), Physics.ForceMode.Force);

Enumeration Members

Acceleration: number

Continuous acceleration (cm/s^2), applied without respect to mass, used for cases where force is applied over multiple frames.

Force: number

Continuous force (kg*cm/s^2), used for cases where force is applied over multiple frames.

Impulse: number

Instantaneous force impulse (kg*cm/s).

VelocityChange: number

Instantaneous change in velocity (cm/s), applied without respect to mass.