Defines the scroll area, a box collider that the user can interact with using an Interactor. The dragging events are exposed to be consumed in ScrollView

Hierarchy (view full)



_alpha: number = 1
attachedToScene: boolean = false
childViews: default<any>[] = []
container: SceneObject
isDestroyed: boolean = false
onDragEnd: PublicApi<DragInteractorEvent> = ...
onDragStart: PublicApi<DragInteractorEvent> = ...
onDragUpdate: PublicApi<DragInteractorEvent> = ...
onEnabled: PublicApi<boolean> = ...
onFocusEnter: PublicApi<ScrollViewFocusEventArgs> = ...
onTriggerCanceled: PublicApi<InteractorEvent>
onTriggerEnd: PublicApi<InteractorEvent>
onTriggerStart: PublicApi<InteractorEvent>
onCreateView: PublicApi<default<any>> = ...
onDestroyView: PublicApi<default<any>> = ...


  • get alpha(): number
  • Returns the current alpha of the view

    Returns number

  • set alpha(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: number

    Returns void

  • get config(): Config
  • Returns Config

  • get debugDrawEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    if collider wire is visible or not

  • set debugDrawEnabled(debugDrawEnabled): void
  • Toggles collider wire rendering for visualizing collider geometry shape and where it is placed.


    • debugDrawEnabled: boolean

    Returns void

  • get localPosition(): vec3
  • Returns vec3

  • set localPosition(position): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get localRotation(): quat
  • Returns quat

  • set localRotation(rotation): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get localScale(): number
  • Return the local scale of an object, assuming uniform scaling

    Returns number

  • set localScale(scale): void
  • Parameters

    • scale: number

    Returns void

  • get localScaleVec3(): vec3
  • Returns vec3

  • set localScaleVec3(vec): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get name(): string
  • Returns string

  • get position(): vec3
  • Deprecated

    use localPosition instead

    Returns vec3

  • set position(position): void
  • Deprecated

    pleasre use localPosition


    Returns void

  • set scale(scale): void
  • Deprecated

    use localScale instead


    • scale: number

    Returns void

  • get scrollColliderBounds(): vec2
  • Returns vec2

    the collider's BoxShape's bounds.

  • set scrollColliderBounds(scrollColliderBounds): void
  • Parameters

    • scrollColliderBounds: vec2

      the collider's BoxShape's bounds.

    Returns void

  • get worldPosition(): vec3
  • Returns vec3

  • set worldPosition(position): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get worldRotation(): quat
  • Returns quat

  • set worldRotation(rotation): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get worldScale(): number
  • Returns number

  • set worldScale(scale): void
  • Parameters

    • scale: number

    Returns void

  • get worldScaleVec3(): vec3
  • Returns vec3

  • set worldScaleVec3(scale): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • Type Parameters


    • child: Child
    • Optionalconfigure: ((c: Child) => void)
        • (c): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    • preserveWorldTransform: boolean = false

    Returns Child

  • Destroys and removes the child from this View

    Type Parameters


    • child: Child

      the child to be destroyed

    Returns boolean

    whether the child was destroyed

  • Detaches child from parent and removes the child from this View

    Type Parameters


    • child: Child

      the child to be detached

    Returns boolean

    whether the child was detached

  • Parameters

    • worldPos: vec3

      a point representing something's world position

    Returns vec3

    the point's position relative to this view

  • Parameters

    • defaults: Partial<{
          colorMask: vec4b;
          font: Font;
          fontSize: number;
          textColor: vec4;
    • parentView: default<Partial<{
          defaults: Partial<{
              colorMask: vec4b;
              font: Font;
              fontSize: number;
              textColor: vec4;
          enabled: boolean;
          name: string;
          position: vec3;
          rotation: quat;
          scale: number;

    Returns void

  • Deprecated

    use destroyChild or detachChild instead.

    Type Parameters


    Returns void

  • Set the alpha of the View to a, and recursively apply this alpha to all descendents. The alpha will be applied by setting the .a component of baseColor to a.


    • a: number

      The value to set the alpha of the view to, from 0 to 1

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • enabled: boolean

    Returns void